Sunday, April 29, 2012

New EMS Officers for 2012 - 2014

FULTON EMS - Election of Officers were held on April 26 at the Fulton Fire Station.  The officers serving a 2 year term (2012-2014) are:

Dave Rogis EMT-P  EMS Coordinator
Shelly Giannetto EMT-B   1st Assistant EMS Coordinator
Justin VanDellen EMT-B  2nd Assistant EMS Coordinator

Would like to thank Keith King for serving this last term as 2nd EMS Assistant.  

Prom Night Drill - 2012 FHS

FULTON HIGH SCHOOL - 4/27/2012 Members of the Fulton and Albany Fire Protection District responded to a mock (staged) accident at Fulton High School near the football field.  This was to show Fulton High School students on what could happen if a student drinks and drives.  Selected students along with their parents participated in this event with Fulton High students on the other side of the fence observing.  The Fulton Fire Protection District would like to thank Zack Vilmont and Jon Butz for setting this event up.  We would also like to thank the members of the Albany Fire Protection District, Medic EMS, and MedForce for participating in this event.  A special thanks to Chance Kness (Clinton Co Emergency Mngt Coordinator) for narrating this event.  We hope that the students who were present got our message.....   Link to video